OriginTrail Acronyms Reference

5 min readFeb 2, 2021


Online discussions around the OriginTrail ecosystem often include a variety of acronyms referencing different components of the technology stack, partner organizations, relevant regulations and institutions. People arriving in OT related online discussions may wonder what exactly certain acronyms mean. This page gives a quick reference.

ASC : Alpha Sigma Capital : A North American digital assets investment firm. The first to publicly declare a TRAC allocation and produce a fundamental analysis research report on OriginTrail.
( https://alphasigma.fund/ )

BSI : British Standards Institution : The national standards body of the United Kingdom. BSI produces technical standards on a wide range of products and services and supplies certification and standards-related services to businesses. BSI and OriginTrail are working closely together on a number of projects.
( https://www.bsigroup.com/ )

CTPAT : Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism : A voluntary public / private partnership intended to bolster the security of the US border and strengthen the supply chain security of US imports. OriginTrail and BSI partnered to facilitate a factory audit verification system for the SCAN association (which accounts for 40% of all North American Imports) to satisfy CTPAT requirements.
( https://www.cbp.gov/border-security/ports-entry/cargo-security/ctpat )

DC : Data Creator : Any entity writing data to the OriginTrail ODN.

DH : Data Holder : A node on the OriginTrail decentralized network. Nodes store data provided by DCs for a contractually defined period of time.

DHS : (US) Department of Homeland Security : The United States federal agency tasked with maintaining the security of US territory. The factory audit use case adopted by SCAN was designed to facilitate compliance with DHS CTPAT recommendations.
( https://www.dhs.gov/ )

DSCSA : Drug Supply Chain Security Act : 2013 legislation passed by the US congress which outlines steps to build an electronic, interoperable system to identify and trace prescription drugs as they are distributed in the United States, a process overseen by the FDA.
( https://www.fda.gov/drugs/drug-supply-chain-integrity/drug-supply-chain-security-act-dscsa )

EPCIS : Electronic Product Code Information Services : a GS1 data standard that enables trading partners to share information about the movement and status of physical or digital objects as they travel through the supply chain. OriginTrail technology is designed to embody EPCIS standards for maximum forward interoperability, as well OriginTrail and GS1 are working together on the EPCIS 2.0 standard which will define the way data outputs from any sort of system globally should be formatted to ensure interoperability with Web 3.0 applications and related software ecosystems.
( https://www.gs1.org/standards/epcis )

FDA : (US) Food & Drug Administration : The federal agency responsible for ensuring the integrity of the food and drug supply ofthe United States.
( https://www.fda.gov/ )

GDPR : General Data Protection Regulation : A 2016 European Union law regulating data protection and digital privacy in the EU, the primary aims of which include ensuring private data remains under each individuals control and simplifying the regulatory environment for international business to operate digitally across the EU. OriginTrail has received a number of grants from NGI Atlantic to develop OpenPKG based personal identity solutions enterprises and individuals can leverage to realize the objectives of and compliance with GDPR regulations.
( https://gdpr-info.eu/ )

GS1 : (not an acronym) : A non-profit organization focused on developing and maintaining global standards for business communication. GS1 brought the world the barcode now ubiquitous in product packaging which allows products to be electronically scanned. GS1 is closely partnered with OriginTrail to develop the next generation of data standards including EPCIS 2.0 and QR Code Digital Link, which facilitates the linkage of physical products with their online digital representations through scannable QR codes.
( https://www.gs1.org/ )

GT : Guinnessstache : OriginTrail community OG & host of the monthly Office Hours AMA with the team.

NGI Atlantic : Next Generation Internet : A European Commission initiative aiming to foster the development and evolution of human-centric Web 3.0 technologies. NGI Atlantic aims in particular to facilitate EU-US collaborative efforts. OriginTrail has received several grants from NGI-Atlantic to develop decentralized knowledge graph based digital ID technology.
( https://ngiatlantic.eu/ )

nOS : Network Operating System : a software platform developed by Trace Labs which facilitates DCs utilizing the ODN.
( https://tracelabs.io/network-operating-system )

NP : Nigerian Prince : a prominent OriginTrail community telegram member.

ODN : OriginTrail Decentralized Network : The network of nodes hosting the OriginTrail decentralized knowledge graph.
( https://tech.origintrail.io/protocol )

OpenPKG : Open Provenance Knowledge Graph : an open-source infrastructure developed by Trace Labs to help organizations automate their GDPR compliance and handle personal data transparently.
( https://medium.com/origintrail/open-provenance-knowledge-graph-openpkg-a-decentralized-knowledge-graph-for-improved-governance-71162d8de07e )

OT : OriginTrail ; )

RFC : Request For Comments : The initial publication of a technical proposal, which seeks to elicit feedback before the proposal is actually implemented. The OriginTrail development team periodically publishes RFCs in advance of major feature developments.
( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Request_for_Comments )

SBB : Swiss Federal Railways (different in the Swiss language obviously lol) : The national railway of Switzerland. SBB adopted an OriginTrail / EPCIS based longterm system-wide solution for tracking railway parts.
( https://www.sbb.ch/en/home.html )

SC : Staking Contract (refers to SFC initial staking contract)

SCAN : Supplier Compliance Audit Network : An association of North American retailers sharing resources to reduce the costs of compliance with DHS CTPAT recommendations. The SCAN association accounts for 40% of all North American imports. OriginTrail developed a solution for realtime verification of SCAN factory audit certification to which assists DHS and other stakeholders in verifying the provenance and authentication of of US imports.
( https://www.scanassociation.com/ )

SFC : Star Fleet Chain : A Substrate (Polkadot / Parity) based blockchain developed by OriginTrail to facilitate fast and cost effective functioning of the ODN and DOT ecosystem integration.
( https://medium.com/origintrail/towards-a-google4supplychains-a-roadmap-update-the-starfleet-proposal-2aa530b2fecf )

WEF : World Economic Forum : An influential international non-governmental organization committed to improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic, and other leaders to shape global, regional, and industry agendas. OriginTrail was selected as one of 15 “Covid Innovators” addressing various challenges introduced by the Covid-19 crisis through innovative technology.
( https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/09/these-15-innovations-are-helping-us-to-fight-covid-19-and-its-aftermath )



OriginTrail TELEGRAM :
: https://t.me/OriginTrail
Community / Price Chat : https://t.me/OriginTrailCommunity

OriginTrail currently trades on Uniswap, Bittrex International, Nash, and Kucoin

ticker : TRAC



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